Monday, July 30, 2007

Cole slaw

I had to use a flash for this to come out right, so the color balance is a little off. This slaw is pretty monochromatic, though, so maybe that's actually what it looks like. Anyway, here's how I made it:

(4 servings)
  • About 1/3 of a head of cabbage--slice it off one side. Cut the sliced-off portion in half to produce two wedges. Slice crosswise into thin ribbons.
  • Thinly slice as much onion as you like, and try to keep the same general shape going as the cabbage: cut an onion in half, and then slice thinly crosswise to produce semi-circular pieces.
  • Do the same with some mild peppers. We used the 3 Hungarian wax peppers we got in our weekly produce basket. Regular bell peppers might actually be too much for this slaw.
  • Chop up a couple stems' worth of oregano and flat-leaf parsley.
  • Put all of the above in a big bowl and toss.
Dressing: highly improvisational
  • A tablespoon or so of red wine vinegar
  • 2 T or so of seasoned rice vinegar (milder, and slightly sweet)
  • 2T or so olive oil
  • 1-2T of mayonnaise
  • Pepper
Whisk all this together in a separate bowl. Taste, and adjust to your preference. If too tangy, add a little sugar or more olive oil. Dump in the slaw and toss it around to get everything coated. Let it sit in the fridge for a little bit before serving. Yum.

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